Proud to be a small part of this sherrific show.
Installation Exhilaration
Ah, the sweet bliss of upgrading an operating system.
The Soft Camp
A video from the performance / installation for kids that I produced in the summer of 2013.
Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein
An upcoming art installation
A Kickstarter video for a mobile art installation.
No, Google. As a Matter of Fact I Don’t Want to Use My Real Name.
A brief tirade in defense of anonymity.
What Does Your Week Look Like?
Why is Monday green?
The Internet of Refrigerators
Getting ready for the next big thing.
The Bargain and the Butterfly
A new postcard design.
What a thought looks like
Some scientists in Japan were able to show us what it looks like when a zebrafish sees a dot.
2012 Countdown to the Year in Review
My top 5 year-end recaps of 2012.