Thanks Ennio Morricone.
The Sabertooth and the Sloth
The sabertooth and the giant sloth engaged in an eternal struggle at the La Brea Tar Pits.
Organizing Principles
A visualization of your election choice.
Some of My Favorite Artists Don’t Have Thumbs
Some examples of artwork by non-humans.
The Cool Sun
A closer look at the sun wearing sunglasses.
The 3 Best TV Shows for 3 Year-olds.
Finally, someone to tell you the three best television shows for children age 2-4.
Q: Should I Let My Kid Watch Television?
Here, we address a question that mankind has struggled with since the dawn of civilization.
A Pet Project
I was falling asleep one night and realized the world was missing a very important thing: A micro-site that allows you to select two animals from a matrix […]
Free Animal Icons
As a thank you for visiting my blog, please accept these complimentary cuddly animal icons...
The Light Inside the Screen
What time of day is the "clickiest?"
How to Make Something
A handy step-by-step guide to making anything.
Conversation Stoppers
The language of shutting up.
Sketchbook: 9/2/10
A Word in the Kitchen... A Drive in the Car
Sketchbook: 8/26/10
An illustration of the bedroom in my old apartment.