15 Tech Tools for 2025
Innovations to watch out for
02.05.25|featured, humor, technology, the future|
Innovations to watch out for
01.10.25|essays, featured, humor|
Allow me to be your own toughest critic
07.23.24|essays, featured, humor, media, technology, the future|
A late-night descent into AI-induced vertigo
06.01.22|curious, humor, personal|
Numbers 1-15 will blow your mind!
05.31.22|essays, humor, media|
Maybe we need to start asking the real questions
12.21.21|featured, humor, technology, the future|
The cutting edge is too dull for me.
A true legend in my own mind
11.24.20|humor, interactive, personal|
A clickable map of election-night misanthropy