Does this Simulation Explain Why Life is Unfair?
Life is harsh, cruel and random. Thanks a lot math.
07.26.23|featured, interactive, interesting, videos|
Life is harsh, cruel and random. Thanks a lot math.
06.20.23|featured, interactive, interesting, videos|
The wealth gap is ginormous, even if you're a billionaire.
07.06.21|interactive, personal|
Sometimes you just need to shoot lasers from your eyes
11.24.20|humor, interactive, personal|
A clickable map of election-night misanthropy
02.16.20|humor, illustrations, interactive, personal|
A simple step-by-step flow chart that'll make de-cluttering a snap.
11.13.15|illustrations, interactive|
An interactive collage.
10.06.15|curious, interactive, science|
An interactive essay about why we're probably not alone in the universe.
06.20.14|interactive, personal, science|
Translations, light speed, new units, and shortcuts
11.03.11|interactive, videos|
I was falling asleep one night and realized the world was missing a very important thing: A micro-site that allows you to select two animals from a matrix […]