Branding for a commuter helicopter enterprise
The Superhero and His Charming Wife
The Superhero and His Charming Wife Promotional image for a play
Bargain and the Butterfly
Bargain and the Butterfly Promotional image for a play
Everything Will Be Different
Everything Will Be Different Promotional image for a play.
The Collaborators
The Collaborators Promotional materials for a play I wrote and produced.
The Subscription
The Subscription Promotional image for a play I wrote and produced.
There is No Martini Like the Martini of Revenge
There is No Martini Like the Martini of Revenge Mural I painted on a wall in Venice Beach.
A Demon Emerges to Find Itself in a Las Vegas Hotel Room
A Demon Emerges to Find Itself in a Las Vegas Hotel Room Digital collage
The Frame
The Frame A photograph that includes the ever-present frame of my nose and face.