- Home page design
- Wireframe for the home page.
Sony Pictures
Working with IPK, I headed up the visual design for the website of this mega-size movie studio.
From the IPK website: “SonyPictures.com is the promotional hub for all of Sony’s film, television, home entertainment and mobile products. IPK was asked to help define strategic priorities and redesign the site to better meet the marketing needs of four diverse business units.
During Discovery, we interviewed executives and key personnel in all departments, forming a comprehensive picture of the site’s redesign requirements. In addition to design, Sony Pictures needed a cohesive content delivery system easily utilized by each division. We developed a global navigation and shared template system to streamline ongoing updates and maintenance and in the Design phase, created an overall look and feel that identified the site as Sony Pictures while allowing divisions and properties to visually customize their own content.
Our comprehensive solution included a branded set of versatile marketing and promotional modules for quick and easy announcement of time- and date-sensitive information.”